Birgu Centre i Birgu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaBirgu Centre


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Birgu, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 35.8877686, Longitude: 14.5219238

kommentar 5

  • Vassilis Arvanitopoulos

    Vassilis Arvanitopoulos


    When you reach there by either bus, or ferry boat (it would be interesting to ride the small boat, departing 50 m away from the ferris) you have many choices to follow. The small square is impressive. The small coffee shop under a party facility, offers genuine old style feeling. The locals there they drink their own Maltese coffee in a glass. Birgu can be walked around very easily in terms of distances. This area would be described as a less touristic area, not disturbed by the touristic noise seen in Valletta. And you can still see people saluting each other, like in small village.

  • Axl Paul

    Axl Paul


    Nice city and interesting architecture

  • Dietmar E.

    Dietmar E.


    Birgu and over 30,000 candles🔝👍. Beautiful, but almost 100,000 visitors😁.

  • Matt Cilia

    Matt Cilia


    Wonderful city. It has character.

  • en

    Sharon Crosland


    Beautiful old town. Amazing waterfront. Definitely worth a visit. Make an outing of it by catching the ferry across from Valletta. Candlefest is held here in October. Magical but busy!

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