Corner Hostel i Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaCorner Hostel



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6, Saint Margaret Street, SLM1979, Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2780 2780
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Latitude: 35.914748, Longitude: 14.499614

kommentar 5

  • Tamás Eisenbeck

    Tamás Eisenbeck


    Lovely staff, good location, cheap price

  • Monika Pilińska

    Monika Pilińska


    We booked our room 4 months before the trip and once we got into the hotel, they informed us our room is "unusable" bcs "accident happened". Couldn't specify what kind of "accident" happened. Informed us that "there you have computers, you can look for new place to stay". Couldn't also specify why hotel couldn't let us know earlier. Seemed simply overbooked.

  • en

    Nicole Peralta


    Is a beautiful hotel for meet people and vacation. I was here for five nights and I am very happy because I meet new people's, you can cook however you want. The personal is so gentle, is very clean every day cleans all the hostel. About the room is very comfortable, the bathroom is small but is so clean. You have tea or coffee free all the day when you want to take it. Free Wi-Fi.

  • Brittany Collard

    Brittany Collard


    WARNING! DO NOT STAY HERE! After six months of travelling, this is the most horrific hostel that I have encountered. I arrived late to find an extremely unclean room with filthy old mattresses. Stay cats were roaming around too. Another girl arrived to the dorm who had moved from the room next door. She was severely bitten by BED BUGS. I immediately called the after hours number and the owner arrived. I was refunded the two nights I had booked, and then was rudely ordered to leave the building after I told other guests about the bed bug problem. The owner said I had a bad attitude and was not welcome. I wouldn't have stayed if you paid me!! Additionally on check in, I was not provided with a key to the external bathroom. If I had stayed, I wouldn't have had access to a shower or toilet until reception opened the next morning. Unacceptable.

  • en

    Therese Reiner


    staff is extremely friendly and helpful, the kitchen is well equipped. BUT: no water pressure on the 2nd floor in July, so no showering possible. at least 2 rooms have bed bugs!! locker was broken, no window in the bathroom, so it's extremely hot in there. although we complained a lot the owner refused to give us a refund or at least a key to another shower. we were very disappointed.

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