D'office Bistro i Il-Belt Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaD'office Bistro



🕗 åbningstider

No 132, Arch Bishop Street C/W 1 & 2 Fredrick Street, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2722 1475
internet side: d-officevalletta.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8989116, Longitude: 14.5144804

kommentar 5

  • Brandon Calleja

    Brandon Calleja


    Lovely restaurant with a cozy atmosphere. The pan fried rabbit is very tasty however the service is unreliable and other menu items came out late or not at all.

  • Hugh Mattos

    Hugh Mattos


    Lovely place and enjoyed a meal there with our group of nine. Happy customers.

  • Krtica78



    Beautifull interior. We had a lunch there on the day we got married. Nice staff and manager. Tasty food in the middle of Valletta

  • en

    Ebru Uruk


    We forgot our backpack there. We called the cafe and they answered so friendly and told us they would keep it for a day until we take it the following day. Nice staff and a cosy cafe.

  • en

    Mo Dinnage


    Very pleasant small restaurant with indoor and outdoor tables that looks appealing from outside too. Inside it's very cosy. It has a fairly diverse menu. I had a really good risotto. I asked for it cooked without cream and they asked very sensible questions about serving the dish with cheese. I got the sense that they are very comfortable with meeting requests. The food was very reasonably priced, especially for the middle of Valletta, and there was no charge for some very fresh bread. I'd eat there again.

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