HSBC Bank Malta i Ir-Rabat Għawdex

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaHSBC Bank Malta



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78, Triq ir-Repubblika, Ir-Rabat Għawdex, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2380 2380
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Latitude: 36.0442433, Longitude: 14.2426533

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Burbach

    Patrick Burbach


    I am having an account at HSBC now for about 12 years. I need it in order to pay several thing for my house. Nothing exotic or difficult. After a couple of years they have closed the account for no reason and I had to open it again. Thank goodness my money was still there. It is now a year ago that I got a letter from the bank and I was asked to declare my relation to the country of Malta. If I can’t declare it in a good way my account will be closed. I was really shocked for a moment, because they can see all about payments, they are having my Maltese address and even 12 years ago I have declared it. After sending a letter back with telling them about my relation to Malta I have heard nothing more from them. 2 weeks ago I wasn’t able to use online banking anymore. I shall ask for assistance they wrote. Okay. Maybe something is wrong with there software. Yesterday I was at the bank trying to get an account statement from them ATM. I have placed the cash card in the ATM and they kept it. I was told to ask for assistance and that’s it. I have to stay calm now when asking for assistance today. I should not use any bad words and I will not use all the bad words they deserve.

  • MikeTrades



    Worst bank in Malta

  • martin becker

    martin becker


    HSBC Gozo Victoria is a sole disappointment. Monday to Thuersday open only in the morning until 13.30 hrs, queuing for twenty minutes is a shorter period to wait. Even if you have an appointment, you must be prepared to wait for half an hour (or more). The employees are trained to different levels and you might get contradicting information on one subject, depending to whom you talk to. The online service from abroad is simply aggravating.

  • Anna T

    Anna T


    No service for HSBC customers . In order to exchange your money you need to have an account with Maltese HSBC - very disappointing HSBC

  • Esther Bajo

    Esther Bajo


    Dos horas de entrevista personal y dos semanas de espera no fueron suficientes para abrir una triste cuenta corriente sin, además, la menor explicación.

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