I Monelli Restaurant i San Ġiljan

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MaltaI Monelli Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

Wilga Street, San Ġiljan, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2136 0036
internet side: www.imonellifoodexperience.com
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Latitude: 35.9235197, Longitude: 14.4917778

kommentar 5

  • Matthias Pieper

    Matthias Pieper


    Great pizza. Relaxed and modern location. Medium friendly staff.

  • Mustafa Ozler

    Mustafa Ozler


    Tasty pizza, helpful staff and good wine. Recommended.

  • en

    Marco Giuseppe Pulizzotto


    🇬🇧If you are in Malta for holidays or you live there, I Monelli it's the best place to eat a pizza in the hearth of Paceville. The staff is very nice and the pizza is delicious and overall is not expensive. 🇮🇹 Se siete a Malta per vacanza o vivete qui, I Monelli è il miglior posto per mangiare una pizza nel cuore di Paceville. Lo staff è amichevole e la pizza è squisita e soprattutto non molto caro.

  • Cristian Rusconi

    Cristian Rusconi


    Great pizza place in Paceville. One of my top 5 pizza places on the island. It is always full of people so during the weekends is better to book a table in advance not to wait and be disappointed. Great selection of pizzas.

  • Simerjeet Singh

    Simerjeet Singh


    Value for money. We relished everything that we ordered. The staff was very helpful and made some really good suggestions.

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