Malta Maritime Museum i Birgu

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MaltaMalta Maritime Museum



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Ex-Naval Bakery Vittoriosa Waterfront, Birgu BRG 1721, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2166 0052
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8877091, Longitude: 14.52068

kommentar 5

  • J. W. H.

    J. W. H.


    Very interesting museum explaining the maritime history of Malta, which spans over centuries. Had the distinct pleasure of a guided tour by Liam, the curator of the museum. His narrative takes you straight back to the time the seafarers and pirates roamed the seven seas.

  • en

    Luke Green


    An attractive building from Malta's British Protectorate/Colonial past, part of the beautiful harbour.

  • Mihai Pintilie

    Mihai Pintilie


    Tiny, clean, interesting. Light years away from other maritime museums (eg Barcelona for it's size and boats) but it's ok.

  • en

    Bill Duffy


    We went to the museum to visit the HMS Neptune memorial for family reasons. The staff were very helpful, entry fee is reasonable and some of the exhibits are stunning. Well worth a visit if you're interested in naval/Malta history.

  • en

    Craig Stuart


    Got the trio ticket and I enjoyed visiting this museum, although they could do with a spell checker and doing some proper research on places. It's Devonport Plymouth not Davenport.

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