Niumee i Birkirkara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Centris Business Centre, First Floor, Triq Il-Palazz L-Ahmar, Mriehel, Birkirkara BKR 3000, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2032 0100
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.887899, Longitude: 14.470204

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Tarsia

    Thomas Tarsia


    Top Gym and Top staff ! The best in my opinion !

  • en

    Martine Cutajar


    Best tanning place in Malta! I had my Top Model competition in London and had to do my tan a week before. The woman who did my tan was very professional yet extremely friendly. She told me that my tan might not hold for the whole week and also told me how to help it from peeling off. My tan lasted well over the whole week. It stayed natural and even throughout. Definitely my go-to place for a nice natural tan with amazing service.

  • Rosemarie Agius Delia

    Rosemarie Agius Delia


    We use Niumee mainly for the laser... not much about other services. The place is nicely setup though not easily reached. Ideally to go by car.

  • Adiel Cuschieri

    Adiel Cuschieri


    All the staff, regardless the type of appointment you want to make, are amazing and experts in their field. Furthermore they give huge importance and care to all their clients and make sure they are pampered

  • en

    Ivana Flynn


    Beautiful place , wondwrful service, great professional knowledge. Extremely helpful staff.

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