Pressto + Plus i Malta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPressto + Plus



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St. George s Road, 64 St. Julian s, Malta STJ 3202, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2226 3900
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9218872, Longitude: 14.4904092

kommentar 5

  • Frank Lauffer

    Frank Lauffer


    After a gruling Malta bus trip from Valletta, I found One Stop Laundry out of business. A local pointed me here and I'm grateful. Super clean, super helpful, free WiFi. All laundry services and coin op self service. Bonus, machines automatically dispense detergent. (I'm not fussy)

  • Seb .

    Seb .


    Great. €7 for a large wash and €4 to dry yourself. They will also do it for you if you won't want to wait. Very clean, very professional outfit. New machines with no problems. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Place is very clean and tidy. Would recommend this over other laundrettes in the area.

  • vikas khetarpal

    vikas khetarpal


    Excellent services at reasonable prices, very genuine and supportive staff specifically Jenith and Lawrence. Happy the way being served.M.

  • Goran Miskovic

    Goran Miskovic


    Brilliant! Very polite and helpful staff. Good location. Clean and well organised. Free WiFi. Coins are available at the reception desk. Depending on the selected program a cycle will last thirty to forty minutes. Base dryer cycle lasts for thirty minutes. You can opt for a smaller 11kg at €7 machine or larger 14kg at €8 machine. Biodegradable soap and softener are included in the price. There are vending and coffee machines. I liked especially ozone treatment that would remove viruses, bacterias and odours. This program is available with smaller machines at €4.

  • Florian SAULNIER

    Florian SAULNIER


    Perfect !

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