Remedies Pharmacy Ta' Xbiex i Ta' Xbiex

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaRemedies Pharmacy Ta' Xbiex



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Marina Court, 49A, Triq l-Abate Rigord Ta' Xbiex XBX, Ta' Xbiex 1120, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2134 1649
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.901406, Longitude: 14.494618

kommentar 5

  • N.A NA

    N.A NA


    Hi, do you have these medicines or which is their changer

  • Roberts Petersons

    Roberts Petersons


    We had booked optician two weeks in advance for particular time 12:30. As it has waiting list. After two weeks when it comes to appointment, optician decides that he has no time to honour the date and time for appointment and leaves. Really not professional and no customer oriented service. Would not recommend. P.S Would like to add. In this occasion it did not looked from our side that it was a emergency for the doctor, as we received call just day before also to ask for change of time. We advised that our son who needs a checkup was at at the football game and we cant make it for proposed time. Above all, after we got informed that doctor had to leave and appointment was canceled the alternative time was offer in next three weeks.

  • Ian Attard

    Ian Attard


    Caring pharmacist and staff. I pleasure getting their service.




    This is one pharmacy that actually cares:).Staff is polite and if they don't have your medicine they call and get it sometimes even on the same day.

  • Map My Business Ltd.

    Map My Business Ltd.


    I have been here a couple of times looking for medicaments and I was very pleased with the service. All my questions were answered in great detail. By the way, this is much more than a pharmacy. You can buy all kind of toiletries and much more.

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