Seashell Dive Centre i Il-Mellieħa

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MaltaSeashell Dive Centre



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Triq Il-Marfa, Il-Mellieħa, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2152 1062
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.966132, Longitude: 14.356108

kommentar 5

  • Scott Moffat

    Scott Moffat


    Felt a little rushed at times but Jack, Tony, Patrick and Matt all did a great job taking us through our wreck spec and fun dives. Highlight was the tuna fish farm dive which was unforgettable.

  • Scott M

    Scott M


    Excellent experience. I dove 6 tanks over 3 days with Seashell, which included Gozo, Comino and Cirkewwa. Sadly the weather wasn't right for diving the Um El Faroud, or that would have been part of the trip as well. Thanks again to divemasters/instructors Phillip, Ruth, and Chris who were all excellent to dive with, and thanks to everyone in the shop (especially Yuliana) who were very helpful and friendly before and during my time on Malta. If I find myself back in Malta, I'll certainly dive with Seashell again.

  • Ieva Harjo

    Ieva Harjo


    Got my OWD certificate here. Great place and nice people. In winter shore dives, in summer nice boats. Will definitely come back again. :)

  • Thea Bell

    Thea Bell


    My first diving experience and best money spent in Malta! The Instructor (Hubert) was so patient and fun! He went through the shallow skills with us over and over again and allowed plenty of time for us to get used to our equipment and breathing under water. Lovely marine life! Can’t wait to come back to Malta again and learn to dive with Seashell!

  • Nick Gates

    Nick Gates


    Was looking for something exciting to do in Malta in December while exploring the area and found this diving school! Nice shop, great atmosphere, very friendly staff. Booked the introduction course for beginners! Professional and fun teaching… 3 hours have passed in a flash! Special thanks to Hubert and Yuliana!! The best experience I spent money on in Malta! Highly recommended!

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