Ta' Marija Restaurant i Mosta

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MaltaTa' Marija Restaurant



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Constitution Street, Mosta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2143 4444
internet side: www.tamarija.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.910325, Longitude: 14.424426

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Julian Muscat

    Joseph Julian Muscat


    Good food, lovely service, and a chance to see traditional folk dances and learn about Malta. Definitely made for tourists but enjoyable by all

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    Chantal Cassar


    Lovely restaurant located in the heart of Mosta. Best to go for the Maltese Folklore nights were Maria gives a brief outline of the local history and guests get to enjoy local dancing.

  • Steve Mynott

    Steve Mynott


    Tasteless, expensive food with a "cover charge" (at lunch!).Hard sell for the buffet which looked particularly unpleasant (dried up meat on the bone). Pasta was OK but 18 Euro sausage dish didn't contain very much sausage. Generally Maltese food has been excellent but this was the worse meal we had.

  • George Costa

    George Costa


    Beautiful restaurant where you can enjoy great Maltese food 🥘 If you google in advance your visit you may be able to see tradicional folklore of Malta after dinner 💃 ( folklore usually happens in Wednesdays and Fridays )

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    Deborah Cefai


    Excellent food, lovely rustic ambiance, attentive staff... A truly delightful dining experience with typical Maltese food. Definitely one to "favourite" on the restaurant map.

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