TCB Tattoo i Il-Gżira

MaltaTCB Tattoo



🕗 åbningstider

Triq Ix - Xatt, Il-Gżira, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2784 8477
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.906617, Longitude: 14.4978014

kommentar 5

  • it

    Gavi San


    Audrey io non so cosa ti sia bevuta ma a me a fatto un miracolo divino... consiglio tcb tattoo ... lasciatevi dire .. Ugo e il migliore

  • en

    Daniel Gauci


  • en

    Audrey White


    The pictures in their web page look great, but that's not what I got for the money I paid. The tattoo was asymmetric, artist (Ugo) had very heavy hand and colours were not even. When it healed, I noticed some scarring. Got to get it fixed, to be able to look at it and be happy. If you're a tourist, they probably don't care about the quality.

  • en

    Zeljka Perkovic


    Best artist in Malta by far!

  • R P

    R P


    Amazing artist, Without a doubt the best tattoo shop in Malta! Super friendly, professional and cool Staff and Galo (tattooist) is the man! If you want to get a tattoo in Malta, This is the place to go!

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