The Duke Shopping Mall i Ix-Xagħra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaThe Duke Shopping Mall



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Triq ir-Repubblika, Ix-Xagħra, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2155 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0441793, Longitude: 14.2427238

kommentar 5

  • Carmel Gafa

    Carmel Gafa


    Notwithstanding the variety and price range of George's, I cannot understand how a shop manager can possibly expect anyone to shop whilst continuously barraging Modern Talking without expecting any person with a mild degree of sanity to barge out possibly puking on the way. I have visited the shop a number of times and it's always the same - modern talking overdose. My God! Stop!!! I felt like closing my hand in a drawer to focus my pain elsewhere.

  • Jeremy Pullicino

    Jeremy Pullicino


    Good place with many different shops. I only visited Arkadia on the lower level. I sat in the cafe there and had a sandwich and coffee. Food and drink were good and well priced. Staff was friendly. The place is clean and accessible. Centrally located in the center of Victoria.

  • nathalie muscat

    nathalie muscat


    Greens supermarket is good with a good range of products although prices not as cheap; few shops in duke and again prices not so cheap. However happy that they have George in there although again prices are way higher than UK!

  • Sharon Crosland

    Sharon Crosland


    Small mall but good shops. I personally love Skechers and George but there’s a cafe to go and have a coffee while my friend buys up Promod!

  • James Calleja

    James Calleja


    Lovely place in the heart of the city Victoria. Greens supermarket underneath is just excellent, lovely staff great display, very clean. Cafeteria at ground floor really good. Recommended

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