The Point Shopping Mall i Tas-Sliema

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MaltaThe Point Shopping Mall



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The Point Shopping Mall, Tas-Sliema TP 01, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2065 5550
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9072991, Longitude: 14.5110137

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ged Jones


    Great use of old buildings but stores are the usual suspects. Good place to go to get out of the heat!

  • Mohamad Nasri

    Mohamad Nasri


    From the waterfront you need to access through a long pedestrian bridge which takes you into a fine public space where you will be confronted with a stone wall with arches surrounding the modern mall structure in a somewhat artificial way. A medium size mall with a variety of known clothing brands that are mostly expensive. I bought a few items from the "Simply Food" (Marks & Spencer). Benches aren't very comfortable....

  • Faraj Zughaid

    Faraj Zughaid


    Probably the largest shopping mall in Malta, and the one with the most shopping options too. Conveniently located in Sliema, which is a spot where tourists tend to gather around a lot. There are some dining options in the area outside the mall, but don't expect much in terms of variety. Overall, recommended.

  • Bugatti Sanxajns

    Bugatti Sanxajns


    Shop there all the time, huge variety of shops to choose from. Largest mall in Malta.

  • Kaslin Saliba

    Kaslin Saliba


    Amazing shops for all ages and food is good. Not to forget that parking is basically unlimited And there is a very fun play area for the young kids which they will definitely like

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