TukTuk South Indian Kitchen i Valletta

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MaltaTukTuk South Indian Kitchen



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174 Triq Il-Merkanti Il-Belt Valletta, Valletta VLT 1174, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 3256
internet side: www.tuktuk.mt
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Latitude: 35.898718, Longitude: 14.515127

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Treitl

    Kevin Treitl


    Tuk Tuk has a lovely, conveniently located spot on the market street not far from Fort St Elmo. The staff are kind and offer great service, at quiet or busy times. Absolutely loved the Korma, Vindaloo and Butter Chicken. Definitely stop in for one of the best meals in Valletta

  • Jim Hughes

    Jim Hughes


    Great food in a nice spot. As tourists visiting Malta for a week, it was nice to have a dinner that was a little bit different to break up the traditional Maltese food.

  • Amy Rizzo

    Amy Rizzo


    Amazing experience! The music,the food,the staff. Will definitely visit again soon

  • KB GE

    KB GE


    I cannot stress this enough. This is honestly one of the best Indian restaurants in Malta. Delivery exceptional, staff really helpful and food is divine! We really enjoyed our meal this evening. Thanks so much, we will surely be back :)

  • Vinay Rathore

    Vinay Rathore


    One of the best Indian food outside India. :) Place is fully booked all the time. Make sure you book in advance. We took takeaway one day-1 and after eating delicious food at hotel, we booked the next day.

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