Angelica i Il-Belt Valletta

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134 Archbishop Street, The Best Restaurant In Valletta, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1444, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 2777
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Latitude: 35.898683, Longitude: 14.514697

kommentar 5

  • Chris West

    Chris West


    Food wasn't bad...but small portions and clearly heated up in an oven rather than made fresh. Service was dreadful, I had to ask twice for the wine and three times for the water.

  • en

    Jose Vega


    The board outside reads: 'The best Rabbit in Malta' Jamie Oliver. Jamie must have had a bad hangover that day that day. Tasteless, cramped, so-so service and horrendously overpriced. I should've read previous reviews. We will not be coming back.

  • en

    Tony Lovell


    There is no way this can be the best restaurant in Valeta. Probably the most overpriced fits though. They can't even get the serving schedule right (One main turned up with the starter). Do NOT order the fish and chips; the waiter (mumblin' Joe Lost) did tell my wife 'it's not Malta fish'; correct, it's oven-fish, the grey 'value' stuff the UK supermarkets call 'basics' but, at 20€. The 8-hour pork was served with fennel seed infested potatoes - nothing could beat back the fennel. We did enjoy the cheese and sausage starter (16.90€) to share. But, the bill for 2 people? 115€uro!! Don't go ...

  • L G

    L G


    Too expensive, too cramped, small selection of plates, wine list ridiculously pricey. Meals are cooked in a small oven down at the bar, so be prepared to wait for ages. Our table neighbors were continuosly coughing and we had to protect our plates from them, as they were sitting almost on our knees. A bottle of local wine that cost over 20 euro was sold in a local shop for 4 euro. The famous rabbit was good but considering all the rest I can only say that Jamie Oliver ruined this place!!! Next time do not promote any restaurants because then they just rip you off!

  • W.M. LIEW

    W.M. LIEW


    Hardly do I ever give a full 5 stars to a restaurant but I believe Angelica do deserve it. Not just because Jamie has declared that Angelica served the best rabbit dish in Malta but that I'd a thoroughly wonderful meal of well seasoned rabbit cooked in champagne and heaps of herbs, all baked/roasted in a copper dish. Tender, and full favoured. So definitely the best rabbit dishes I've had during my stay in Malta and for a long time since I can remember when I first ate such rabbit dishes. The 2nd main we had was calamari stuffed with salmon and swordfish, and cook in a tomato based with herbs (also all in a copper dish). Absolutely sublime combination. Kudos to the chef who dreamt up this seafood dish. Quite perfect. Overall service was reasonably efficient/friendly although the tables were somewhat small to accommodate 2 persons. Gotta be careful not to topple glasses over!😉 Angelica also serves a brilliant range of wines, champagnes and spirits. Even have a bottle of Japanese Hibiki single malt sitting on the shelve! How good is that!🙆🙋

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