Bank of Valletta i Ħaż-Żebbuġ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaBank of Valletta



🕗 åbningstider

10, Triq IL-Mithna, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2131 2020
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8714425, Longitude: 14.4411796

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Falzon

    Daniel Falzon


    A joke of a bank and shouldn't be operating. Always ques out on the street making people wait forever for both ATM'S and Counter service. Seriously get another ATM, its not like you cant afford it " you're a bank " and the same thing goes for another service desk! Making people wait out in the heat,cold,or rain! Took me nearly one month to get my own account and i'm a Maltese citizen! And my wife took even longer to open an account and they made so many mistakes for e.g sent my wife a debit card with too many numbers and she couldn't use it and they told her that's ok it should still work, seriously who does that and still thinks the card will work making us feel like we are wrong they are right, its the only card in the world that has extra numbers and works!!! Only thing good at that branch is the young woman who works in Personal banking with black hair and fair skin, shes the only one who know whats actually going on. If you see her you should be fine,Actually you guys might want to look at making her Branch manger, might actually get that place working right.

  • Daniel Vella

    Daniel Vella


    Place seems to be run by Nazis with customers left queueing outside the bank in the scorching summer sun. Service is terrible too.

  • Gabriel Farrugia

    Gabriel Farrugia


  • Jake Boxes

    Jake Boxes


  • Christoffer Dobler Hamre

    Christoffer Dobler Hamre


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