British Hotel i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaBritish Hotel


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40 Battery street, Valletta VLT1222, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 4730
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8958687, Longitude: 14.5133901

kommentar 5

  • Michael Piovesan

    Michael Piovesan


    Great location but the single room I stayed in was very basic and a bit grungy. However, the ensuite had it's own water heater, so I never had any problems with the water unlike other guests in more expensive suites.

  • en

    George Ritchie


    Ideal place to stay when visiting Valletta and beautiful view

  • Paul Courtney

    Paul Courtney


    Air conditioned apartment with ensuite attachment. Staff are very friendly and helpful at every opportunity. The hotel has a rooftop garden that is pleasant to sit in and overlooks the harbour. However breakfast was 10 euro a head which wasn't ideal! The hotel location is excellent, right in the centre of Valletta, a short 5 minute walk takes you to the central streets of the City. All in all worthwhile staying here for a short break in Valletta.

  • en

    Christopher Matthews


    Incredible views, particularly from the restaurant. Good service. Some of the rooms rather eccentric.

  • Morgan Edmunds

    Morgan Edmunds


    I just love going there every time I go to Malta. A bit dated but still has charming. Nice breakfast with views. The lift does not reach all the floors, be aware also that there is not disabled entry.

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