Chalice Bar & Lounge i San Ġiljan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaChalice Bar & Lounge



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No 2 , Dobbie Street, San Ġiljan, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9906 9902
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Latitude: 35.922592, Longitude: 14.491085

kommentar 5

  • Matt Cassar

    Matt Cassar


    Amazing place with some wonderful cocktails and an amazing happy hour. The staff are great too and very helpful with selections. An upmarket place without the fancy prices! Highly recommend

  • en

    Harvey Smith


    Very poor service! They charge what they want, prices on the menu including happy hour are not applicable. In any case you complain the waiter gets aggressive. Really disappointed as it's actually a nice place and drinks are good...

  • Fabio Segato

    Fabio Segato


    Nice and elegant. For happy hours or just a drink. One of the few places in Malta where to have some good wine

  • Vittoria Di Giusto

    Vittoria Di Giusto


    Cool bar with a different vibe, really nice staff and beautiful interior.

  • Mark Anthony Magro

    Mark Anthony Magro


    Posh Bar & Lounge. Good vibe and great atmosphere. Amazing cocktails but I think in a moment where you see a new one of this places every time you visit paceville it might as well offer something new, cleaner tables or better prices.

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