Chapel 5 Palazzo Suites i Naxxar

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MaltaChapel 5 Palazzo Suites


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5, Alley 5, St Lucy Street, Naxxar, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7979 3721
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Latitude: 35.9148524, Longitude: 14.4421854

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christine Ziya


    Beautiful property, excellent service. Highly recommended.

  • Lauren Chen

    Lauren Chen


    Absolutely wonderful. Kindest owners, and so considerate.

  • en

    Gerald Miller


    Excellent! Perfect service, wonderful home made cakes and pastries, friendly and good value.

  • en

    Maria Bolan


    Lovely place and wonderful people. Would def recommend.

  • Nick Dccxxix

    Nick Dccxxix


    We stayed here for a week and had a very relaxing break. Naxxar is a good base for exploring Malta, with some great restaurants nearby and just a short hop to Mosta, and with Valletta and Rabat/Mdina both within reach. Best of all, though, is Chapel 5 itself.  The building is a handsome 17th (I think) century house with great facilities including two pools and two terraces, with the South terrace overlooking the adjacent chapel and making a great (and surprisingly quiet) place to round off an evening. Our room itself was comfortable, well-equipped and air conditioned with a sizeable bathroom. The breakfast buffet was a great selection of freshly baked goods, cereals, yoghurt, cheese and other locally produced goods, all laid out in the central dining hall, though we preferred to take breakfast by the pool and enjoy the weather. Our hosts were all one could hope for: easy-going and very accommodating, and always very helpful - they couldn't do enough for us. We were extremely happy with our stay, and couldn't recommend Chapel 5 enough.

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