Corinthia Palace Hotel & Spa, Malta i San Anton

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MaltaCorinthia Palace Hotel & Spa, Malta



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De Paule Avenue, San Anton BZN9023, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2144 0301
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Latitude: 35.894204, Longitude: 14.449199

kommentar 5

  • Alan C. Bonnici

    Alan C. Bonnici


    The hotel is a high class outlet and the service lives up to the star rating. Situated in front of the presidential palace and gardens it is a great place to spend a few days of high quality holiday

  • en

    Michaela Gabrisova


    Major renovation going on in the hotel. It is very noisy and disruptive. Trying to relax in the wellness with drills and banging of a digger 2 metres away is quite impossible. The works are going on in the hotel itself and next to it. So impossible to avoid. The rooms are nice and large but bathrooms with sloppy renovation touchups. This is not a 5 star hotel, maybe it was in the past. Staff is nice, some extremely hardworking.

  • en

    Lady Esther


    Amazing staff. Very polite and welcoming. Their service is second to none. Nothing is too much trouble. Will definitely visit again.

  • en

    Paul Jeffery


    Staff really helpful and friendly, rooms have everything you need and are clean and tidy. Hotel bar borders on extortion unless you go in at happy hour. Check the menus before you book as regular bar food is limited. There is a restaurant and bar 2 minutes down the road which is best avoided. As for Malta it's like Marmite. I didn't like 95% of it and won't be going back. Ever. P.S don't drink the water and don't eat the salad which has been washed in the water you shouldn't drink.

  • Graeme Hunter

    Graeme Hunter


    This is a really nice hotel. Service and staff are very, very good. Breakfast is stunning! Beautiful b'fast room. Great selection to start your day! Some bedrooms may be due a refurb.

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