Costa Coffee Balzan i Ħal Balzan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaCosta Coffee Balzan



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Triq Birbal, Ħal Balzan, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2144 5386
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8969801, Longitude: 14.4573252

kommentar 5

  • Sam Hayman

    Sam Hayman


    The staff is very welcoming and efficient. Very clean place.

  • J. W. H.

    J. W. H.


    Costa Coffee Balzan could be a lovely neighbourhood place, yet is sorely let down by pour management. First of, cups, tea pots and trays are filthy (see pictures). Secondly, the al fresco patio is equally dirty and littered with cigarette butts as no ashtrays are placed on tables. If a customer is asking for an ashtray, s/he is given a small plastic cup with a bit of water in it. So much for hygiene and sustainability. Lastly, baristas appear to be poorly trained, may it be preparing a hot beverage, keeping the premises clean or basic customer service. A shame!

  • Gilbert Grech

    Gilbert Grech


    not bad. prices high. parking on street may be difficult

  • Andre' Attard

    Andre' Attard


    Great place for working or studying. Can get a bit too loud on some days. Coffee is the typical Costa brew. Great indoors and also outdoors.

  • Christine Mae Bondad

    Christine Mae Bondad


    When you enter the shop, the smell of coffee is all over the place the vibe is so enticing. Perfect and cozy spot for a morning or afternoon coffee. There are a few seating spaces outdoors and more quiet tables inside suitable for students who stop by to do some of their reading. The baristas are keen in taking and serving orders. :)

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