Dar tal-Kaptan Boutique Maison Bed and Breakfast Gozo i L-Għasri

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MaltaDar tal-Kaptan Boutique Maison Bed and Breakfast Gozo


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Dar tal-Kaptan, Triq Il-Fanal, Għasri, Gozo GSR 1207, L-Għasri, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9982 9836
internet side: www.dartalkaptan.com
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Latitude: 36.065723, Longitude: 14.221781

kommentar 5

  • Angeline Moura

    Angeline Moura


    Beautiful, peaceful experience and amazing host! My husband and I had a very special time there. I can only recommend it!

  • Ylenia Peresso

    Ylenia Peresso


    U cannot experience Gozo fully if you don't reside in such an authentic farmhouse. you get to relive life back in the old time with all if the beautiful featurea this place offers. A slice of paradise on Earth.

  • alison fenech gasan

    alison fenech gasan


  • Adrian Abela

    Adrian Abela


    The place itself makes available a number of themed suites. We stayed at the one named "Nostalgia", which is decorated in a very antique style (with a brass bed and a claw footed bath to boot). The rest of the building is decorated in a very unusual and interesting manner, giving it character. The hosts themselves are very helpful and friendly All in all, if you want an experience away from the sterility of a normal hotel, I would highly recommend it.

  • en



    Very hostage and open minded. Cosy and quiet

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