Dental & Implantology Unit i Tas-Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaDental & Implantology Unit



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St. James Hospital, George Borg Olivier Street, Tas-Sliema SLM 1807, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2329 1029
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.912974, Longitude: 14.503283

kommentar 2

  • Jesmar Cannaò

    Jesmar Cannaò


    Great experience! I fixed there already 1 filling, 1 small cap and going soon to have a crown done. Service is quick, professional and efficient: everything I've done, was every time with a set appointment, with timing respected to the minute.

  • Lara Spiteri

    Lara Spiteri


    Wearing braces as a child by time I stopped wearing the retainer. Because of this, a couple of my teeth were becoming crooked again. I started to become self-conscious about these misaligned teeth, especially from photos. I approached DIU as I googled dentists in Malta. I was presented with a choice of metal braces or the Invisalign. Due to my vanity I went for the Invisalign treatment. The dentists at dental unit walked me through the whole process and were super patient ... and followed through even when the whole process was ready. This time I was super conscious to wear the retainers every night as was instructed to do during the first weeks and as soon as I misplaced them they fitted me in and rescued me. :) I am very happy with the result and the service they provided.

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