Divers Car Park. (Show Diving Card In Window) i Mellieha

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MaltaDivers Car Park. (Show Diving Card In Window)



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Mellieha, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 35.9878705, Longitude: 14.3280407

kommentar 2

  • Faycal Marouf

    Faycal Marouf


    Pretty good, just beware of traffic wardens! Display your diving card under the insurance disk as they will not look elsewhere for it and fine you

  • Ian



    This car park is just for divers so make sure you have your diving certification card on display in the window. Parking is free, but vehicles are checked and people parking here without a card in the window may receive a parking ticket. The carpark goes from the first space as you enter the area up to the new toilet and shower block at the northern end. There are 3 entry points into the water from the car park. Two of which have steps into the water, the other one is giant stride. It can become very busy in the summer. Kitting up is possible on the wall. There may be a couple of mobile food/drink trailers in the area.

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