Eden Cinemas i Saint Julian's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaEden Cinemas



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Triq Santu Wistin San Ġiljan STJ, St Julian's 3310, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2371 0400
internet side: www.edencinemas.com.mt
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Latitude: 35.9237561, Longitude: 14.4875349

kommentar 5

  • Martin Christiansen

    Martin Christiansen


    Cinema 12 and up. The candy shop needs to replace their scale and instruct their employees not to be so fast on their fingers. The cashier didnt give it proper time to settle and thus charged me an higher amount than what I was supposed to pay. The cashier was even cheeky enough to say - oh... but its just a few cents it doesnt matter (it does matter when a person for something) What out for this if you decide to buy anything from the candy shop.

  • M and K Everyday

    M and K Everyday


    Great old fashioned type cinema. Seats are comfortable if a little dated. Most of the films are in English and are good quality. We watched toy story 4 and throughly enjoyed it.

  • Mattias N

    Mattias N


    I have been to Eden cinemas several times and I just have one thing to say. People in Malta don’t know what being quiet in the cinema means. Literally gd people talk constantly throughout a 2h movie. I will never be coming back.

  • Sefora Bonello

    Sefora Bonello


    This place is amazing, there's security to check that if you are under the age range of the film you can't see it, there is to book tickets outside, when you enter in the building there is a shop where you can buy drinks, popcorn and nachos then there is a small some next to it where you can buy sweets like gummy bears ect.. The building is air conditioned. It has bathrooms. It has everything and its super amazing. I love it 😍

  • Gacha CukyCupcake

    Gacha CukyCupcake


    If you would like to watch an amazing quality movie/film with perfect sound and comfy seats..... this is the cinema for you. We thank all staff for their great work and effort! Snacks provided are of decent quality and I don't have a single complaint for them. Again, thanks to staff for the patience they have.

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