EEC-ITIS Malta Tourism and Languages Institute i San Ġwann

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MaltaEEC-ITIS Malta Tourism and Languages Institute



🕗 åbningstider

9 EEC-ITIS Building, Triq San Pietru, San Ġwann SGN 2310, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2137 6868
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.909407, Longitude: 14.482342

kommentar 5

  • en

    Audrey Jones


    We have sent many students over the years and have always received great service. Incredible value for money!

  • Dragana Djordjevic

    Dragana Djordjevic


    Awesome school. We have sent to them students every year in the past 10 years and more, and our students love it. Friendly environment, personal touch, small groups, welcome atmosphere. On the other hand very reasonable accommodation costs! Highly recommend!

  • Vyara Karapachova

    Vyara Karapachova


    Visiting the school, you will learn much more than English because you will touch love and devotion, virtues that are eternal. Where will you ask me? I give you the joker-Director and his wife !!!

  • Sae Mizutani

    Sae Mizutani


    It was my best experience in my life. There is a great owner and teachers who are super kind and helpful. Also this school has a very nice environment to study. Price is good includes dorm or everything. It’s definitely worth to go study abroad here. Thank you so much for everything.

  • Yaseer Arafat

    Yaseer Arafat


    This is one of the finest institution in Malta for tourism. The environment is very friendly and all the teachers are very helpful. Lucky to get the chance and study here.

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