Embassy Shopping Complex & Cinemas i Il-Belt Valletta

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MaltaEmbassy Shopping Complex & Cinemas



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St. Lucia's Street, Il-Belt Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2122 2225
internet side: www.embassycomplex.com.mt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.898318, Longitude: 14.512589

kommentar 5




    Met my sisters here for shopping, turns out that there wasn’t much to see. The book store has a nice selection of international magazines, newspapers and books. The cosmetic store on the second floor has a good choice of accessories at great prices. In the end we went for coffee at Costa before getting the bus back to the hotel. The shopping center is nicely decorated, I loved this view down from the escalator. NewLifeKarma.

  • Amanda



    Little shopping centre not much in it. A nice book shop and Berska and there was a cinema also

  • en

    David Balzan


    I just visited this place to watch a movie. The place is very wheelchair friendly, clean toilets, helpful staff and a good experience overall. The only let down is parking which provides a big challenge for those using wheelchairs. The cinema is situated on the top.part of an uphill road. Parking is down under, so to.push a wheel chair to the building's entrance is surely a struggle. Once in but, the place is inviting enough

  • Christopher Bugeja

    Christopher Bugeja


    Situated at the heart of Valletta (Malta's capital city), the Embassy shopping complex and cinemas offer a good place for shopping and relaxing. The mall is not huge even for Maltese standards, but includes shops about everything. Moreover, the cinemas occupy the upper two floors and offer the latest films. The sound quality of these cinema theatres is impressive. The theatres here are on the medium sized. The cinemas offer late night viewings on a number of films.

  • en

    Robert Buttigieg


    A good shopping centre situated in the heart of Valletta the capital city. Has a Costa Coffee with direct access to the street which is good for a quick treat and has a cinema and a kids play hall for. Kids of all ages. It doesn't have a large number of brands but it's worth a visit if you're in the area.

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