Hibernians Stadium i Paola

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaHibernians Stadium


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Paola, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 35.8827932, Longitude: 14.5130716

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tom Lippiett


    Classic old stadium, but falling apart.

  • Ken Bondin

    Ken Bondin


    Great experience

  • Owen Vella

    Owen Vella


    This is the stadium in which the international rugby games are held. Although in the last couple of years it has been refurbished, it still needs further renovation so as to be up to standard especially the seating area. Nevertheless it is a great place to watch the game and the atmosphere during the games is great especially when the national team is winning.

  • nl

    Erik Hauer


    Klein stadion met een slecht veld. De infrastructuur in de omgeving is matig door de smalle straten en geen bushalte in de buurt. Stoeltjes zijn redelijk en het zicht op het veld is goed. Geluidsinstallatie zeer matig.

  • en

    Doreen Pace


    It was a nice game . Keep it up Valletta and good luck for your next game .

nærmeste Stadion

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