Hotel Kappara i San Gwann

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MaltaHotel Kappara


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Triq Wied Ghollieqa Kappara, San Gwann SGW 1000, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2733 4460
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Latitude: 35.9060569, Longitude: 14.4810835

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Salih

    Mohammed Salih


    Simple services, very basic breakfast, clean room, quite area, 8 minutes walk to the University of Malta

  • en

    Nick B.


    Excellent top to bottom.

  • en

    Nice Landlord!


    I booked this place last minute and didn’t do my homework properly. Never Again. This is by far the meanest and most miserable hostel I have stayed at in a long long time. I truly feel cheated and misled by the positive reviews when selecting this place. Having read between the lines now I understand where I went wrong. This place is owned by the university. The staff have no understanding hospitality whatsoever and I doubt it very much if they had any training on the subject. The positive reviews it seems have been given by students who have one hit (review) wonder and are used to staying at hall of residence. The sad breakfast is served between 7 till 9 am. Guests are spoken to as if they are school kids. There is an extra charge for cooked breakfast. Extra charge for a fridge in the room. Extra charge for the balcony otherwise you end up in a box room. There is no rubbish bin in the room. Etc. etc. Location is middle of nowhere and you need transportation to get to any decent part of the island. If like me you are a seasoned traveller then you are much better off avoiding this place. There is no way this place can be described as good value for money as there are much better places in Malta for the same price. And they probably would have decent beds instead of two single beds designed for teenagers put together. Like many guests I had to spend hours at the reception as they claimed that they didn’t receive my booking. Apology is an alien concept to them. My bed broke and hurt my back and the “manager” instead of apologising complained that I used too much water every day!!! Oooh! And there are cockroaches in the place.

  • en

    Kay Sproulle


    Didn't end up staying but it looked nice and the lady on reception was wonderful

  • Mathias Fabian

    Mathias Fabian


    If you like to stay at this Hotel there are certain things you should be aware of. So, don't go to this Hotel if you: - like to have a good and silent room where you can rest and sleep well. The Walls at this Hotel are like Paper! When you turn the light of it seems there are several people in your room. But in fact, that are only the guests from the rooms around. If you are lucky like me you have a "roommate" who is snoring the whole night like hell. My bad I think! - you want to take a refreshing shower. In fact, there is a shower in the bathroom but the shower cabin is so small that you bump to the cabin walls every time you move your arms. Even this would not be a big issue in normal Hotels, but at Kappara the cabin is moldy. So, you feel dirtier after leaving the shower than before. Oh, did I mention the long brown hair, that definitely not belongs to me, in the tooth mug? - if you don't want to wake up with back pain because of a century year old mattress - if you think a good breakfast is a good start into the day. The breakfast is joke! But it's on you, the guest? Overall I think would have a better stay in every youth hostel, or a prison, or in a tent during a thunderstorm. I've been at a lot of places and even cheap motels like Motel 7 but the stay at Hotel Kappara was the worst experience ever! Was there for just two nights and got overall 4 Hours of sleep. Not because I was not tired, just because it was not possible to sleep.

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