Kennedy Bar and bistro i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaKennedy Bar and bistro



🕗 åbningstider

Strait Street, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7904 9839
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Latitude: 35.900503, Longitude: 14.515032

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrei Imbroll


    One of the best Bars in Valletta. Reasonably priced drinks, great selection and excellent pub food. The atmosphere in this part of Strait Street, known as The Gut is truly fantastic. Highly recommended

  • Christina Zammit La Rosa

    Christina Zammit La Rosa


    I hosted my birthday party there and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone willing to do the same

  • en

    Agnieszka Kuzma


    Nice bar but music was too loud and it was very cold inside and most of us had to sit with jackets on.

  • en

    Olivia Gerst


    This was the nicest bar I have experienced in Valletta. The staff was very sympathetic and the music was great. They have a nice choice of gin based cocktails at very affordable prices. During the weekend the place is buzzing!!! It's not on a main street but it's 2 steps away from all the "loud" and touristic places.

  • Loreto Spiteri

    Loreto Spiteri


    Great little hideaway with a good atmosphere.

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