Lidl i Qormi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Triq L-Iljun Qormi QRM, Qormi 9061, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 8006 2777
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8783071, Longitude: 14.4830995

kommentar 5

  • Roberta Darmanin

    Roberta Darmanin


    Very good prices. After years visiting this outlet for the first time I used the toilet. I am sorry to say but it was filthy. It desperately needs a good clean. There was a stench and water over flowed from a basin when someone washes their hands outside the toilet itself. Definitely needs an air freshener, maybe they use from Lidl itself, if it really works they will be making themselves an advert!!!

  • Janet Micallef

    Janet Micallef


    Managed to get most of my needs, but still need to make another visit to another market. A pity they do not continue to bring certain items such as vegetarian salami. My daughter loves them!

  • Peter Kriznar

    Peter Kriznar


    Shopping in Lidl is generally cheap and effective, quality of products is improving what you get is good value for money..... That being said shopping there on Saturday noon brings your shopping experience to brand new level packed with shoppers like in a sardine can, people come here to meet, chat, cool down and waste your time. With empty shelves it feels almost like they are here to prep for a war... Chaos

  • Dalton Hili

    Dalton Hili


    I come here regularly and always find what I need at cheap value prices for good quality. This chain has a vast selection of goods and is highly dependable to provide for all your necessary shopping needs. Regular stock changes by season or trend keeps every weekly visit a new adventure. Highly recommend it as your main shopping destination.

  • Kirsty Nkwocha

    Kirsty Nkwocha


    Overall a good supermarket. Not given 5 stars because some products aren't consistent, they will have it for a few months and all of a sudden it is discontinued. Another issue is that prices have been going up. Initially it was a great discount supermarket with great prices, however over time prices have been increasing and most items are now priced very close to other supermarkets. That said, the overall staff is helpful and environment is generally well kept.

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