Loud and Clear Hearing i Gzira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaLoud and Clear Hearing



🕗 åbningstider

191 The Strand, Gzira GZR 1016, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9942 7448
internet side: www.loudnclear.mt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9050492, Longitude: 14.4962833

kommentar 5

  • Skyler Bennett

    Skyler Bennett


  • Uros Misovic

    Uros Misovic


  • Stefan Attard

    Stefan Attard


    A huge well done to O’Hea Opticians team. Went to book an appointment, they called me a few minutes later because of a cancellation. Optician was helpful, respectful and careful on his work. There is a wide variety of eyewear to choose from. The team took good care and helped me the best they could to choose carefully with tasteful opinions and best offers, especially Mariella. Very well served and highly recommended.

  • Matthew Cremona

    Matthew Cremona


  • Nicolette Galea

    Nicolette Galea


    Worst service I ever experienced. Went to get my spectacles tightened at their premises, they broke the whole frame, they tried fixing it with stationary super glue whilst I was not looking, and insisted that its "impossible" to get another one just like it as it was a limited edition (which was not true at all as it was available online from the brand's website). I paid over €350 for just the frame so it was not just a cheap kind that i could get over. I'm lucky they've shown me what they are all about, because I won't ever trade a penny with them ever again.

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