Malta at War Museum i Birgu

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MaltaMalta at War Museum



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Birgu, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2189 6617
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Latitude: 35.8853515, Longitude: 14.522531

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shona Grieve


    Really interesting museum. Helps you appreciate what Malta suffered during WW2. Well worth a visit.

  • en

    Stuart Taylor


    A fantastic museum with interesting artifacts which are very well presented. The shelters bring home the hardships endured by the people during World War 2. Unfortunately we visited as part of a bus tour and did not get a great deal of time to browse. We will definitely visit again the next time we are in Malta.

  • Ian Chamberlain

    Ian Chamberlain


    No easy way to say this.You get to wear a hard hat.Even people of lesser stature.You will nleed it.If you suffer from claustrophobia nows not the time to find out deep down in the tunnels.People had a choice,stay down here or get bombed during the Second world war.Rooms were carved out of the rock along with a labyrinth of narrow passageways.The complex is bigger than i thought and even with good information boards i got a little lost.I think most people did.There is an audio guide and i gave some id as security so if i was hopelessly lost the staff would know.The audio's information is the same as the information boards but stooped over it was an easy option,especially if there is a crowd of people.This is a bomb shelter and you can see the chisel marks where the rock was chipped away.There is even a maternity ward down here as well as a canteen,and a lot of small rooms for beds.You will need the hard hat.When i left the tunnels i had limestone dust on my clothes.The passageways are narrow.I was in Israel during Gulf War one and know a little bit about bomb shelters and this one has lost the smell.The smell is fairly unique.I really enjoyed the visit here and because the tunnels are narrow,small,and low ceilinged people were actually smiling as they moved out of each other's the hat by the way.Valletta is lit up at night and it's stunning,especially seen from the ferry back from here.I visited Fort Rinella and would recommend the maritime museum as well.All child friendly by the way.There is very little traffic too which is nice...Have fun.

  • Steve Louder

    Steve Louder


    An impressive museum covering the history of Malta during the second world war. The exhibits on the upper floor are good but what really makes it is the quality of the information supporting them. They've worked with the Imperial War Museum in London and the expertise really shows. The information is absolutely fascinating and very well written. Underneath the museum is an extensive tunnel network where Maltese people sheltered from air raids. This area is also really interesting and gives a clear sense of how bleak conditions were. This museum is a must for anyone interested in Malta in WW2.

  • Vlad Hristov

    Vlad Hristov


    It is ok. Nothing special. The local authority should strongly consider a tour at least once or twice a day. It can be easily done with local volunteers.

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