Malta National Aquarium Car Park i San Pawl il-Baħar

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MaltaMalta National Aquarium Car Park



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Triq it-Trunciera, San Pawl il-Baħar SPB 1500, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2258 8100
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.958838, Longitude: 14.424291

kommentar 5

  • DCZT



    Gut very good!! Place cus I just love fish 'n' chips and means I love fish.

  • Christian Winkler

    Christian Winkler


    Nothing really interesting... Expensive, very similar to all Sealife and others...

  • en

    marius stoica


    Medium size aquarium with a good selection of fish. You find some information regarding the species but there is nothing interactive. At 12 euros isn't cheap but you could spend some time with your kids. Ask the hotel for a vaucher and you may save 3 euros/person. It has a coffeehouse with restaurant were they serve decent food & deserts and there is also a playground outside. In the summer the pool and the view from it over the sea must be beautiful.

  • Chris N.

    Chris N.


    Nice mid size aquarium. You can also view spiders, frogs, reptiles. There is a spectacular tunnel view (and a second one just for the kids). The tour takes an hour if you don't rush. Online reservations must be printed out ! (I called them to make sure of it)

  • en

    Neil Rothwell


    Quite expensive at around £12 for at best an hour. Nothing interactive and no touchy feel bits unless you count the I pads. The last I went to in Hull was far bigger and better. Plenty of parking space (get your ticket validated at paydesk when leaving for free parking) large cafe with plenty of choice.

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