Malta National Aquarium i San Pawl il-Baħar

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MaltaMalta National Aquarium



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Triq it-Trunciera, San Pawl il-Baħar SPB 1500, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2258 8100
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Latitude: 35.958663, Longitude: 14.42325

kommentar 5

  • Way of the Buddha

    Way of the Buddha


    I've been twice to this aquarium but this time I was given a behind the scenes tour. They are incubating sharks from shark eggs taken from dead mothers at the fish market and when they are viable they release them into the wild. Thus they are a benefit to the local hydrosphere surrounding Malta. Nice exhibits too.

  • Levi van Iperenburg

    Levi van Iperenburg


    The aquarium has an extremely broad collection of both fish and reptiles. The exhibits feature nice decoration and there are tablets all around that show what fish they have and where they can be found. Great place to come with children. Also, if you like, they have a backstage tour (of which I didn't get the chance to do it) but if I were you I would do it. Great place and the staff is really friendly.

  • Markus Lintuala

    Markus Lintuala


    Worth of visit for families! We were here with our 3yrs and 6months old children and the aquarium was really nice. There were a lot of fishes and other animals for all ages to see. After the visit we were on the playground just beside of the aquarium that was awesome. This was the second one that we found during our one week stay in Malta. Recommended for everyone.

  • Annie S2S

    Annie S2S


    Decent aquarium with lots of different fish and more importantly rays. I love rays! The only thing that ruined it for me was how the Leopard Geckos are kept. I don't know the proper husbandry for the other animals, but I do for Leopard Geckos. They shouldn't be kept on loose substrate, because it can cause impaction (look it up), or with other geckos in the tanks, because they are solitary animals and will eventually kill each other. With this in mind, I am not convinced that all of the other animals are kept in the correct environments, but like I say I don't know. If the geckos were kept correctly it would have been a 4 for me.

  • en

    Dominic H-W


    Good place. A good medium size aquariaum. Entry price is a little expensive but it had a good variety of fish and a really good walk through tunnel. We didn't rush and the experience took about 90 minutes. A big downside is you pay for the parking and it is REALLY expensive. So I strongly advise parking for free on a side street and walking a few minutes. Worth a visit.

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