Nelli's B&B i Cospicua

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MaltaNelli's B&B


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Triq Santa Tereza 36, Cospicua BML 1821, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7958 8897
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Latitude: 35.882614, Longitude: 14.52094

kommentar 5

  • de

    Sophie De Frene


  • en

    David Gafa


    Amazing place and such a amazing family:) I will be back.

  • en

    Evelyn Grymonprez


    Nelli’s Bnb is the perfect hideaway for a long or short stay. The warmth and professionalism of Nelli, the host, is what makes this place soooo special! We’ll be back ;-)

  • en

    Joanne Dee


    Exceptional place to stay for viewing the Three Cities in Malta. Breath-taking view from roof terrace where you can eat wonderfully varied and delicious breakfasts and enjoy a drink from the honesty mini-bar/hot drinks area at other times. Immaculately clean, stylish bedroom and en-suite with balcony view from room onto a busy but fascinating street and harbour. Outstanding attentiveness, friendliness, generosity, care and service from the B and B owner, Nelli. She also has a lovely sense of humour. All things considered, excellent value for money. Would stay again if we ever got the chance. Thanks Nelli and good luck with everything.

  • Latonia



    Lieu Charmant idéalement situé en plein coeur de Cospicua près de la Marina et à 2 pas de Birgu.. Chambres d'hôtes confortable et chaleureuse dans un petit immeuble typique Maltais rénové avec goût dans un esprit contemporain. Hôte agréable, acceuillante et pétillante. Un petit "Bnb" cosy à découvrir dans hésitation.

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