Nora's Lounge Diner i Il-Mellieħa

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MaltaNora's Lounge Diner



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2, Triq Il-Marfa, Il-Mellieħa, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9939 6719
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Latitude: 35.9656095, Longitude: 14.3577579

kommentar 5

  • Dale Moore

    Dale Moore


    Had a good beer here on the way back to our apartment Didn't have a meal, maybe next time we come to Malta

  • Nel Staple

    Nel Staple


    Lovely place, delicious food! Amazing staff! Definitely visit here!

  • LT woops

    LT woops


    First of I will list the bad stuff and hopefully end on a positive. First of all the service I received was not up to standard we waited around 20 minutes before we even had a menu in our hands then it was around another 20 before we had a chance to order a drink the food was very slow to come to the table I had the fish and chips and it was like it was frozen which was surprising because the amount of time I waited for it I could have caught the fish and made my own the waiter was rude I didn't get a hello or goodbye but by that time I didn't care anymore he should not work there simple as I could see 2 staff were friendly at the bar which was nice to see but I had to go and get my bill as my waiter either didn't hear us the 4 times I asked or couldn't be bothered I will 1000% never be coming back to this restaurant if you can call it that I wouldn't so ending on a nice note the Budweiser was nice.

  • Henry Cg

    Henry Cg


    Highly recommend this place! Been to a few touristy restaurants in Malta, and this one is about 30-40% cheaper on food than the other ones on the area and so much better! The staff are like a family, they have great chat and the food is on point. We asked about the food so the chef came out and spoke to us personally to describe how each item was made (I recommend his beer batter) and we tried 3 wines before choosing a half litre jug of rose for just €5! Absolutely ten out of ten all round, especially if you're a tourist not wanting to get ripped off!

  • Michael R

    Michael R


    Large portion sizes. British pub quality. One of the few places outside the UK to serve genuinely British-style fish and chips. Good value. Only downside is the lack of atmosphere - it feels more like an American-type diner than a restaurant. If you want a romantic gourmet meal in a classy restaurant and you're prepared to pay for it, try One80 just up the road. If you want good value food and lots of it, Nora's is about as good as you'll get.

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