Osborne Hotel i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaOsborne Hotel


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50, South Street, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 3656
internet side: www.osbornehotel.com
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Latitude: 35.8985347, Longitude: 14.5087954

kommentar 5

  • Marguerite Attard

    Marguerite Attard


    Beautifully renovated, gorgeous views, helpful and friendly staff.

  • Victor Gurskiy

    Victor Gurskiy


    Who has extra watch, highly recommend. I forgot an expensive watch in the room under the pillow. Called two hours later. Of course they were not found. I still have a watch, I guess I need this hotel.

  • Maree Barnett

    Maree Barnett


    The hotel was excellent and in a fantastic location. Highly recommended.

  • P D

    P D


    Lovely hotel 5 minutes from Valletta City centre. Courteous, friendly staff. Good breakfast and the room was great. Spotlessly clean too. Would recommend highly.

  • Ozge Ileri

    Ozge Ileri


    Great location! Needs sound isolation and better beds in the room. We were staying at the first floor and people coming up and down or in and out, walking or talking on the street or showering or talking in the next room felt like inside of our room.

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