Our Lady of Itria Chapel i Rabat

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MaltaOur Lady of Itria Chapel


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Bingemma Road, Rabat, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
internet side: www.waymarking.com
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Latitude: 35.9034502, Longitude: 14.3773825

kommentar 5

  • en

    rené zijlstra


    This little chapel is a little out of the way but is absolutely worth a visit. It's not open very often so better check if you want to look inside. Don't worry because just going around in the surroundings is very rewarding. On the right of the church there is a way down to access the grotto under/next to the church. Also you'll have a good point to enjoy the view. The views are stunning and give you a good view on the remainders of the old dividing wall in Malta. Just have a look at the pictures to get a impression.

  • John-Matthew Spiteri

    John-Matthew Spiteri


    Nice chapel and setting, a nice hike is also a plausibility. It is a slightly desolate place, so it is worth having transport.

  • Joachim Keinert

    Joachim Keinert


    Nice views across the landscape to the north. Near the Victoria Lines.

  • Miuh Geheimtippreisen

    Miuh Geheimtippreisen


    Beautiful and romantic little chapel which can be surrounded. Little parking space next to it. Great view to the near victorie lines and its wild countryside. From here you can also follow little paths up to the victoria lines, down to the little valley below it and to different little caves.

  • en

    Eric Cefai


    One of the best views on the island.

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