Park Lane Aparthotel i Saint Paul's Bay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPark Lane Aparthotel



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Maskli Street, St Paul's Bay SPB1480, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2157 7319
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.95392, Longitude: 14.420249

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dave Monkman


    Beautifully furnished, very well ewuipped. Fantastic big terrace.

  • Thomas Mir

    Thomas Mir


    Really nice hotel. Clean and recently renovated. Staff is super friendly and it’s in a very convenient location (near buses and restaurants)

  • Steven Peterson

    Steven Peterson


    Thus hotel is really nice. The food for breakfast is amazing. Make sure you try the giant chocolate croissants for breakfast. The rooms are brilliant. Ours had a balcony, a kitchen, eating room, bedroom and bathroom. The kitchen has a fridge, cooker and cupboards as well as utensils. The staff are so friendly, please try this place... You will love your stay.

  • en



    Very good value for money. Moderately spacious flats with all the amenities you may need, incl rooftop pool. Just around the corner from the main bus station, car museum, shops and casino. Aquarium within easy walking distance. Great receptionist!

  • en

    Ryan Holmes


    Clean, cosy and modern hotel. Very friendly staff who are very attentive and helpful and make you feel right at home. Nice (small) rooftop pool with great views of the town and water. Very convenient location close to restaurants, shops and bus station. Environmentally conscious about water and towels - great plus! Would definitely stay again and recommend to friends and family.

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