Park Towers Supermarket i Saint Julian's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPark Towers Supermarket


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George Borg Olivier Street, Saint Julian's, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2137 8520
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Latitude: 35.9169626, Longitude: 14.4933835

kommentar 5

  • Antoinette Camilleri

    Antoinette Camilleri


    Park towers supermarket is a great supermarket where you can find lots of great products at reasonable prices. Since they moved and opened the new shop, they have even more great products. The staff there are very friendly and polite.

  • Don Theakston

    Don Theakston


    Cheap supermarket in St julian worth a visit if your self catering.

  • en

    Mario Amaira


    Fantastic !!!......Alfred from the butcher shop !!!! Great service and hospitality !!.......also great prices and very well stocked.

  • Wielka Królewna

    Wielka Królewna


    In fact a small Carrefour market. The choice of products not much bigger than in any mini street market. Prices also not much lower.

  • Edgar Kidulis

    Edgar Kidulis


    It a supermarket with a bity prices and limited choice in some products. It is one of the only other supermarkets in the area besides Lidls. It is totally fine for a quick light shopping but I would not recommend for a family visit or a weekly fill ups.

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