Pendergardens Public Car Park i San Ġiljan

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MaltaPendergardens Public Car Park



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Triq Sant' Andrija, San Ġiljan, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 35.9222301, Longitude: 14.4874739

kommentar 5

  • Nadia Polidano

    Nadia Polidano


  • Marija Stojkovic

    Marija Stojkovic


    A huge garage with a lot of places for parking. Very near to Pacevil in St Julian. So, it is a safe place were people can leave their cars. I like it because security officers are kind and supportive .. always ready to help

  • Alex Fox

    Alex Fox


  • Alex Turc

    Alex Turc


    The prices are not very high compared to other public parkings but the best thing about it is that you always find parking space and that is very good because in this area parking spaces are a very big problem,and the Maltese authority they will happily give you a fine every time they can catch you,the fine is 23 euro and if you don’t pay it in about 48 hours it doubles.Pendergardens public car park is situated in paceville area but very close to st Julian’s

  • Роман Альбинский

    Роман Альбинский


    Cheap and always free parking.

nærmeste Parkering

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