Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre i Ta' Xbiex

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPersona Med-Aesthetic Centre



🕗 åbningstider

42, Triq Sir Ugo Mifsud, Ta' Xbiex, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2134 0366
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.900893, Longitude: 14.494063

kommentar 5

  • claude spiteri

    claude spiteri


  • M Merkel

    M Merkel


    Wouldn't recommend for dermatology consultation. The doctor saw me for literally 2 minutes and couldn't answer my questions. Only seemed interested in getting my 50 euros. I was planning on getting other services there but decided against it based on this visit.

  • Gabryella F.

    Gabryella F.


    Great experience from A-Z! Everyone is so amazing and helpful. I would recommend this place to everyone who is looking for the best place all over Malta. Well done to all the staff! Thanks

  • en

    Denise Y


    They are clearly trying to rip off people who goes for Laser Hair Removal. You are charged according to the time you spend but the specialist is wasting time on purpose and doing the things as slow as possible. Although the laser machine worked for a certain amount of time, the staff tried to charge me for the extra time I spend getting ready for the treatment and after... I was so surprise the way they do business, it is very cheeky. I definitely not recommend this place especially if you think you will save some money! Set prices are more economic when you compare with paying the time you spend. With their way you end up paying double for a half price you could do same treatment.

  • Paul Cassar

    Paul Cassar


    I Had a Tummy Tuck operation performed by Dr Duncan Aqualina and i was looked after by john, clyde, and antonio who were all very helpfull and caring thank you very much Mrs T Cassar

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