Pitty's Rent a Car Ltd i Haz-zabbar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaPitty's Rent a Car Ltd



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Triq is-Santwarju, Haz-zabbar, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9942 0487
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.875721, Longitude: 14.535737

kommentar 5

  • steve martin

    steve martin


    I always go there to rent a car if one of my cars are being fixed won't dig a hole in your pocket

  • en

    Gary Clayton


    Very good very helpful

  • AlexO



    Their add says price from 8 EUR/d. On the site itself you wont find anything cheaper then 30 EUR/d!

  • Andrea Baiamonte

    Andrea Baiamonte


    The worst experience I ever had, the vehicles are very old, dirty and poorly maintained (even with the spare wheel holed), the help service very slow and inappropriate, owner and employees are very boorish and aggressive, one of them even tried to start a fight with me only because I was complaining about the bad conditions of the car! I was suppose to rent a car for three days but because all the problems the first day I spent more time managing with that then enjoying my holiday, in the second day I had to bring the car back to the garage because it brokes again and in that point they take me off the rented car leaving me with no transport! For your safety and fun I would suggest to avoid them in any case!

  • Vito Barranca

    Vito Barranca


    Perfect. First client since I'm in Malta. 5 stars

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