Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands i Malta

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MaltaRadisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands



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Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands, Malta MLH 5510, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2356 1000
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9352253, Longitude: 14.3447843

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mickey Laws


    Excellent hotel, this is my second visit and will definitely be staying again in the future. Beautiful views, Beautiful service, Beautiful food. The rooms are kept very clean and cannot complain. The pool areas are lovely and clean too. The on site restaurants are very nice, and serve very good food. The deli on site is the only point that I complain about. The pricing has risen throughout the years and is now more expensive (2euro x1 2ltr bottle of water/mellieha town centre 2euro x6 bottles of water). Other than this, wonderful hotel.

  • en

    Mervyn Coulson


    Excellent hotel and very quiet, food excellent too. Nice pool, and hot tub both inside and out. Steam room and sauna too. Enjoy.

  • Francis Daniels

    Francis Daniels


    The hotel is very opulent. They have a private beach. The rooms are spacious an the balcony was huge. True Radisson style food was awesome. We chose private taxi of hotel to fetch us at the airport it was quick an only 25 euro one way. The bus stop is convenient across the road. There is also a shuttle to Marxakloxx on a Sunday.

  • en

    Barbara Caverhill


    Lovely resort everyone is so helping. My husband had 3 fall's while at the resort and all the staff were wonderful a couldn't have help me more . Our lovely rep Liam Murphy couldn't have been more helpful. Great chap .

  • Idowu Abolarin

    Idowu Abolarin


    Golden Sands is a beautiful resort in an excellent location. One thing that stood out was the quality of service we received through our stay. Kid friendly with loads of activities to keep the young ones busy, enough facilities to last a week long stay. Would definitely return. 5 stars!!!

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