Salt Pans i Żebbuġ

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MaltaSalt Pans


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Żebbuġ, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 36.0797305, Longitude: 14.2459531

kommentar 5

  • Kirill Azhitsky

    Kirill Azhitsky


    An impressive range of salt pans cut in the bedrock by the sea, stretching over several kilometres of the coast.

  • Marco Lenzo

    Marco Lenzo


    If you love the sea you cannot miss this walk by the salt pans. You can admire the deep blue of the sea during a sunny day or its incredible power when northern winds blow. When the visibility is optimal you can also see the island of Sicily. There is a family owned business that sells the sea salt made in the salt pans. If you want to swim you can safely do so in the adjacent Xwejni Bay.

  • Gene Jasper

    Gene Jasper


    How can anything here be less than 5 stars. Beautiful place, Gozo. Tomorrow we head back to Malta 🇲🇹, with some fantastic local Sea Salt.

  • en

    Dominic Howard-Williams


    Not too bad place, fantastic views and the scuba diving around is really good! The salt pans only take about 20/30 minutes however, there's a few signs and information but that's about it.

  • Luka Ranisavljevic

    Luka Ranisavljevic


    Absolutely amazing! There is a small family owned shop where you can buy their own salt produced by hand. Definitely worth a stop.

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