Sensi Hotel i Wied il-Għajn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaSensi Hotel



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Triq Il-Mahsel, MSK 3641, Wied il-Għajn, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2163 6995
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.855844, Longitude: 14.564746

kommentar 5

  • Oreste Gauci

    Oreste Gauci


    Fantastic location. Great discounts friendly staff at a reasonable price

  • en

    Dave Monkman


    Great pool. Lovely food

  • Paul Lewis

    Paul Lewis


    Nice hotel apart from paper-thin walls. Towels have seen better days.The bedding is miss match and could do with renewing. The breakfast is very basic, processed cheese it doesn't cost much more to lay on a nice breakfast. Come on Sensi improve a little and staying here would be a perfect stay.The staff are very helpful though. OK for a short stay.Its in a nice quite location a ten minute walk to the main Town. There are two bus stops you can jump on the bus to take you to the Town.

  • Mike Adamson

    Mike Adamson


    Comfortable and friendly. Great pizzas and salads. Wonderful pool with quality sunbeds. The rooms are clean and roomy and we'll serviced.

  • Jana Antalikova

    Jana Antalikova


    Good vibe hotel that does not pretend to be all fancy but offers everything one needs for relaxing stay. Close to the beach; close to the airport; with good and helpful staff there's nothing lacking. Simple is good.

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