Sirena Suites i Senglea

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MaltaSirena Suites


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Triq Is - Sirena 52, Senglea ISL 1128, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7769 6289
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Latitude: 35.8896904, Longitude: 14.5164035

kommentar 1

  • Pentti Sairanen

    Pentti Sairanen


    The two stars comes from the location and nice views and the working wifi. Included breakfast is very poor. Old wizened croissants, cereals and yoghurt. The upper unit (room) is a good example of bad design. The bedroom is at same time a toilet and bathroom. The shower leaks under the broken floorboards and the floor stays wet for days even you leave window and door open. The room will turn very moldy soon. There is also a common kitchen downstairs that you must share with the visitors from the other rooms. This was a surprice because there is no any mention in the booking pages about the shared spaces. If someone uses the shower there will be a quite noisy pump keeping you awake when you decided to rest after the days walks. The common kithen was without any light because of the burnt bulb. It was promised to change only after we left the place. If you can accept these few flaws the place is splendid thanks to beautiful views to the harbor an a mass of good restaurants.

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