St Anne's Clinic i Birkirkara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaSt Anne's Clinic


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Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2149 3553
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Latitude: 35.902982, Longitude: 14.459626

kommentar 5

  • Claire Marie

    Claire Marie


    I cannot give five stars. I wish, but this clinic doesn't have a parking space for the patients.

  • Samantha Vella

    Samantha Vella


    Very REASONABLY priced consultation fee, compared to other specialist orthodontist in Malta. Highly recommended.

  • alexa schotborgh

    alexa schotborgh


    After a bad receptionist service to find out and confirm if I had an appointment I was impressed how expensive a 5 min consultation can be. After being with dentists in Mexico, the Netherlands and Malta, this was the most expensive and worst consultation I have had pay. 5 min where the dentist tried to show me examples of braces in google but the computer was so slow that I could see he was playing online games. Not so professional because he could not show real photos of his work. And after that he recommended no to make braces because im already 35 and the problem was not so big. The dentist polished my teeth to make it look better and after 5min I had to pay 30 euros. I came there because of my personal dentist recommendation but I will not recommend it at all. Better try Demajo clinic they are more professional and you can get a first free consultation or a more realistic payment tariff.

  • gmbattlemage



    I had a Septoplasty over there 2 months ago, it was covered in full by my insurance company, i have fully recovered and i feel great, thank you Dr Juice.

  • Natalie G. Owens

    Natalie G. Owens


    I have nothing bad to say about the medical expertise of the consultants. However, whoever was at the reception desk answering the phone on May 24, 2018 in the morning needs to be given an intense course on professional courtesy and customer interaction. That is not the way to speak to an elderly woman who was nothing but gracious with you. I was in the room, listening. Is that the way you treat human beings? I wouldn't even speak to an animal like that. Please employ more professional, polite staff and as to the consultants -- consider an easier way for patients to contact them, especially when a patient finds out they are not even on the roster for surgery six months after the appointment. Thank you.

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